Pictures of Cats

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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Training your cat

Before you get armed for training your cat, learn to be a cat yourself. Yes, place yourself in place of your cat and then evaluate the behavior of your cat. If you are able to understand your trainee, you can be a good trainer yourself, else not.
A good starting point for you to learn is that you must not ever hit your cat, come what may.
This not to say that you will not stop them from spoiling your things.
In fact, you need to reprimand them so that they
understand where they are going wrong. But that does not mean that you will have to use your physical power over the pet. You can make her understand that she is doing wrong by saying "No" in a stern voice and keep repeating it until she stops doing the act.
Alternately, you may also make a distinct and unpleasant noise whenever she does something naughty.
You can clap your hands to make her understand that she needs to reconsider her act. But do not change the gesture again and again. If you want your cat to answer you every time you call her, forget it. Cats are animal of their own free will and will never do anything if you impose it on them. Nevertheless, you can teach her to expect something good in return of answering your call.
If she thinks she will get a piece of dried fish in return for following your order, she will definitely follow you, that is, if she wants fish at that time.
Never raise your voice or shout while calling your cat, she will not appreciate this gesture and amy not even listen to you in future for your inconsiderate and rude behavior.
Following tips may help you become a better trainer your cat:
  • Make the training session pleasureable foe the cat.
  • Do not reward your cat for wrong deeds.
  • Do not ever punish your kitty.
  • Remember, she does not understand english.
  • Telling her to 'go' or 'sit' will make no sense to her unless you properly demonstrate it to her.
  • Do not scold your cat after the misbehavior as she might not be able to co relate her act with the punishment she gets.
  • Reward her whenever she does something good.

Source :

Friday, August 04, 2006

Amazing Cat facts

Did you know...
  • Ailurophilia is the word to define "love of cats."
  • Ailurophobia means Fear of cats.
  • We have around 500 million domestic cats in the world, with 33 different breeds.
  • A cat's heart beat is twice as fast as our heart beat, at 110 to 140 beats per minute.
  • The largest cat breed is the Ragdoll. Males weigh twelve to twenty pounds where as the females weigh around ten to fifteen pounds.
  • The smallest cat breed is the Singapura. Males weigh about six pounds while females weigh about four pounds.
  • There is one breed of cat called Calico cats who are almost always female.
  • Cats usually wag their tails when they are in a stage of conflict.
  • An average cat has 1-8 kittens per litter, and 2-3 litters per year.
  • During her productive life, a female cat can give birth to more than 100 kittens.
  • In 1952, a Texas Tabby named Dusty set the world record by giving birth to more than 420 kittens. The largest known litter (surviving) was that of a Persian named Bluebell. Bluebell gave birth to 14 kittens in one litter!
  • A single pair of cats and their kittens can produce as many as 420,000 kittens in just 7 years. Cats have 290 bones in their bodies, and 517 muscles.
  • A cat does not "meow" at another cat. This sound is reserved for humans.
  • The lifespan of an indoor cat is 15 years, while the average age for an outdoor cat is only 3 to 5 years. Puss was the world's oldest cat. She died in 1939 after celebrating her 36th birthday.
  • A cat's normal body temperature is 101.5 degrees which is slightly more than humans.
  • Towser, a tortoise-shell tabby in charge of rodent control in Scotland, killed 28,899 mice in her 21 years career.

Source :

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Grooming your cat

If you are planning to own a cat or even if you already have one, you must get your grooming concepts right. You may have a groomer, but even then, it is necessary to know how to groom your cat so she loves as much as you do. When you are grooming your cat for the first time, it is essential to to take into consideration that both you and your cat are new to the thing. Even if you have groomed other cat, you have never groomed this kitty earlier. So, you both are not accustomed to it and agree to it that you both may make mistakes. It's as much a learning lesson for you as it is for your dog.

Get all your things lined up and call your cat in the best voice you have. Let her examine all the things you would be using upon her, for you it's just combs and brush and all but for her it's all alien stuff. So, let her be comfortable with all those articles.
Meanwhile, you get up and get back with a good juicy piece of treat. Let her enjoy the treat and at the same time, play with those combs over her body so that she gets accustomed to it's touch.

Now, is the time for action. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. Give soft strokes and slowly move the brush deeper to untangle the messed up hair. The crux of the argument is that it should not come as a shock to your cat.
Use can use a really thin cotton cloth or an old pantyhose and have it fixed over the brush as it will penetrate through the bristles. Once you are done with, you can pull out the cloth piece and all the hair would come out. There is no need to clean the brush for hours.
One way to know if your cat has a good coat or not is to smell it. Yes, simply smelling the coat of your dog can tell you many things about the health of your cat. If it smells bad, that is different from normal, you know there is some problem.

Sometimes, even after repeated sessions of proper grooming, your cat may not look healthy in terms of her coat. This can also be a result of poor nutrition. At that time, you must make a chart for about a week, writing down all that you give your pet to eat. Afterwards, take this chart to your vet. It coulg be that the unhealthy coat of your dog is the result of some nutrition deficiency.

When you shampoo your cat, rinse her properly with water, however much she may dislike it otherwise, she will have a skin rash and infection which will be equally detestable.
After you have bathed the cat, dry her coat thoroughly. Even a small water on skin can lead to moist eczema, which is commonly referred to as a hot spot. This is not to say that you move the dryer over her for hours.

Do not use any over the counter available shampoo or anti-tick, unless it is recommended by her vet. Sometimes, what may suit other cats perfectly will not suit this cat at all. And, many a times, it is these seemingly safe products that do more harm than good.